Earn on Your Property by Renting it to Corporate World when Not in Use

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better business lodgingMy wife and I were contacted by a company called Better Business Lodging about renting or reselling our timeshare. Although we had been contacted by similar companies in the past they all seemed too pushy. The lady from Better Business Lodging, I can’t recollect her name, was very supportive and informative. After thorough research we decided to sign up with Better Business Lodging and pay the much dreaded “upfront fee.” It’s been about 4 months and we have begun to get offers on the rental. The first one we wanted to accept wasn’t available at the resort. The next two were too low for what we wanted to rent it for and the next one was closer to what we are looking for so we counter-offered at just a little bit higher and are now waiting to hear back from Milton, the gentleman who made the offer. So far so good. Meanwhile, I took interest in knowing more about the company, Better Business Lodging.

I like this idea of renting properties when they are not in use. This way, the owners can earn money on their investment and at the same time their property is useful for people who are in need of accommodation for business purpose or for vacation. Also the property is maintained because of being in the neat hands of someone like corporate companies.

Lots of businesses need accommodations for their executives and other staff members for outdoor conferences, meetings and product launches. At such times, it’s better to stay at a homely property than in a hotel. BBL works with this very concept and always in search of good properties. Homeowners get due benefits of this system and some extra income.

If you want to earn extra money on your property, you can sign up with BBL and make use of your property when you are not present there. A nice way to care for your property while earning on it!

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