5 Most Magnificent Photo Locations in Paris

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the LouvreHave you planned your next holiday to Paris? It’s a fantastic choice. You will of course admire the wonderful architecture of Museo di Louvre and Eiffel Tower, relish Baguette, Paris Brest, Chocolates and Cheeses, and enjoy partying in its world-class bars! But do you know what will you do and care for the most, which you do on your every holiday? It’s photography. Upon arriving at a place like Paris, anyone, whether s/he is a professional photographer or not, turns into a photographer, because there are so many awesome photogenic locations in this beautiful French capital. Here are the top spots in Paris which you should catch in camera, either yourself or hiring a private photographer.

1. The Courtyard of the Louvre

Though much has been written and spoken about the Louvre, it’s just not enough! This place and its architecture are indescribably marvelous, too superb to skip from your camera. You can take your photos or just the photos of this magnificent piece of architecture from various angles, but taking a photo from its courtyard, in front of the pyramid is great. With this, you can catch the old and new in a single photo, i.e. the former historic palace in the backdrop and the latest glass pyramid in its front.

the Louvre

2. Eiffel Tower

Recognized as a symbol of Paris, Eiffel Tower is a must in your Paris travel photos. Especially if you catch its photo from the Champ de Mars, a spacious green public ground, you can catch the true beauty of this architectural splendor with the lush green ground in the front and deep blue sky on the backdrop.

Eiffel Tower from Champ de Mars

3. Pont Alexandre III

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This extremely ornate bridge in Paris is definitely worth a place in your camera, which you will of course agree, when you will see it. With its pastel blue color adorned with lavish lampposts, nymphs and cherubs, it spans over River Seine. You can catch the magnificence of this architectural extravaganza on the backdrop of Grand Paris.

Pont Alexandre III on the backdrop of Grand Paris

4. Pont des Arts

Pont des Arts means Bridge of Arts and this name is just appropriate for this structure because it joins the Institute de France to the Louvre Museum. Catch its photo with the amazing surroundings.

Pont des Arts, Paris

5, Le Conciergerie

Le Conciergerie is the place where Marie Antoinette was jailed. It’s not a big palace, but you will love the architecture. It will become one of the most favorite photos in your travel album.

Le Conciergerie interior

Private-Photographer.com is a website where you can hire private photographers to conduct magnificent photo shoots during your travel. Visit their website to know how they work and can catch lovely photos for you.

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